The Traveler – Ch. 1 Audio

The Traveler, Chapter 1

I fear I have been a little lazy with my podcast this time, and have spent little if any effort editing it. While I love to speak, while I love to record all manner of things, the technicalities of editing I find tedious in the extreme. I hope therefore that this rendering of my eccentric work will suffice for those who have made the journey thus far.

To write fiction, for the first time in my entire life, has been a revelation. I write of course for myself – should any other be selfless enough to read what I have written, well so much the better.

It had become very apparent to me that I was once again in danger of writing polemic. And polemic corrodes my soul – especially when I have written it myself. Too often during these past three years of writing, I have vented my sometimes bitter and always despairing views on the state of the world.

If I can not but view this world through black lenses, then why not create a world of my own? A better one, perchance. And live in it.

And so that is what I have done. In a little bubble, in a small cottage near to the sea, in a county still just rural enough, I have dreamt a dream and climbed inside it. Somebody said that writing a novel is like driving at night with only your headlights to show you the way. The view can be narrow, restricted. And at no time can you see very far ahead.

How like life itself then. Who can see around the corners, who knows what tomorrow or the next day will bring.

That is the attitude I am taking in my fiction. I am living it and seeking out adventure day by day. I have an idea of where I want to go, I know what I would like to see along the way. I know what I would like my characters to achieve and shall live their lives vicariously, as my own.

In a sense, this is one of the biggest steps in my life. Foolish though that may sound, to give real expression to one’s inmost thoughts and hopes is what writing fiction seems to require.

I will be interested to see what happens next.


  1. Ever since I was a young man, I have been interested in the concept of other worlds and in the possible existence of other dimensions one might encounter under the right conditions. Given the abundance of science fiction and fantasy offerings in the world of books, it’s clear that many others have similar interests. Your thought to engage (or dare I say indulge) your own inclinations in this regard are of interest to me, and while I am primarily interested in writing non-fiction, I have indulged my meager inclinations toward fiction on occasion, to the point where I did a fair amount of searching for some guidance in how to approach the task.

    Two particular sources that I found useful were an offering by Natalie Goldberg called “Writing Down The Bones,” and one by Josip Novakovich called “Writing Fiction Step by Step.” Both are easy to read and helpful in ways that assure the reader that they can succeed in these interests. There are many such resources out there, but I found these two helpful.

    Your vocal rendering, as usual, is pleasing to the ear, and I enjoyed reading along with the text while listening. Your inclination to include a vocal rendition will increase interest, in my opinion, and any effort you must make to create an audio version will be an enhancement.

    Also interested to see what happens….John H.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I believe my primary aim is to imagine a better world and live in it. Pure “escapism” although to a certain extent that also involves acceptance of the conditions of the world I actually live in. On occasions I am tempted to agree with Schopenhauer and that is really not a very pleasant place to be.
      I’m not entirely sure what will happen myself – writing fiction seems to be a journey also. Thank you for those sources John – very helpful. All best regards, A

      Liked by 1 person

  2. My 19 year old son has written his first novel (sci-fi off world terraforming type thing).

    He wants to sit on it for a couple of years “whilst he matures”, but when it’s ready to roll, he’ll have to reach out to you for the audiobook narration, loved your Chapter 1!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I can’t even get a copy of it to proof-read, bloody teenagers!

        He’s been advised by his tutor to edit it a few times and to let it sit so that he can revisit it in a few years after his course finishes so that it has a better chance of success, his magnum opus.

        Not sure that’s the best advice, it may possibly be.

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  3. Great classic writing and narration. I must admit, though, that the absence of the concepts of heaven, intercession and holy suffering left me feeling a little bit like a top floor was missing, theologically speaking! But I feel that way with a lot of sci-fi. Seems the good ol’ Christian tale doesn’t make for good fiction.

    Critique aside, I was very impressed with this. Are you in the UK? Sounds almost like Dickens (or someone like that) was peering over your shoulder! 😇👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How very kind of you! Yes I am in England, based partly at our house in London, partly down by the sea in Kent. Yes, I fear that I am no Christian, although I adore the music, architecture and art. I was brought up in the church of England and much as I love these old stories, I fear faith was never for me. Dickes – ah yes. Long one of my favourites – I thought of reading A Christmas Carol for my website!

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      1. Maybe you’re a latent Christian! 😉 I never thought much of Anglicanism, the church in which I was baptized. Converted to RCC but that is another story! COVID-19 has me adapting… once again.

        But seriously, you have great talent. Have you sought a hardcover publisher? If this were another age you would probably be publishing in a weekly newspaper…


      2. Such kind words, and so very much appreciated. No, I have never approached a publisher. For your amusement, JK Rowling is a distant cousin – her great grandmother on one side of her family was a sister of mine. I am told that mine employed JK’s in her East End factory in the early 20th Century. I don’t think I will ever be quite as popular as my cousin, but I suspect we probably have different aims!

        I have written and published quite a lot on finance and trading – books, magazine articles, but never this sort of stuff. I would not really know who to approach and I would probably resent a waste paper basket overflowing with polite rejections…chortle.

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      3. I don’t think they even reply any more if they do not like it. But I’m not sure. Well, it’s up to you. All starving artists have to learn the ropes the hard way. I realize you are not starving but still, there’s more to life than economics, which you surely understand. 🙂

        Myself, I gave up with print publishing after too many non-replies. Not that I tried all that hard… Now captivated by the web and its potential for instant interaction. 🦄🐌🐌🦄

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    1. I think you are right you know. Dropping the habit if complaining about the world and the people in it it a large component of peace. I think you are right about a healing sanctuary – instead of complaining how the world is, imagine how you would like it to be.

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